1. Getting Started
  2. Quick Start

Getting Started

Quick Start


With Svelte Formly you can generate a dynamic forms with custom rules and styles for web application's sveltejs and sveltekit.

  • ⚡ Generate dynamic and reactive forms.
  • 🙂 Easy to extend with custom field type and validation.

Quick Installation

npm install svelte-formly


<script lang="ts">
	import { Formly, type IField } from 'svelte-formly';

	const form_name = 'formly_usage';
	const fields: IField[] = [
			type: 'input', // required
			name: 'firstname', // required
			attributes: {
				type: 'text',
				id: 'firstname', // required
				classes: ['form-control'],
				placeholder: 'Tap your first name'
			rules: ['required', 'min:3', 'max:10'],
			messages: {
				required: 'The firstname is required',
				min: 'Your firstname is too short min=3',
				max: 'Your firstname is too long max=10'
			type: 'input', // required
			name: 'password', // required
			attributes: {
				type: 'password',
				id: 'password', // required
				classes: ['form-control'],
				placeholder: 'Tap your password',
				autocomplete: 'off'
			rules: ['required', 'min:6', 'max:10'],
			messages: {
				required: 'The password is required',
				min: 'Your password is too short min=6',
				max: 'Your password is too long max=10'

	let data = {};
	const onSubmit = ({ detail }: any) => {
		data = detail;

<Formly {fields} {form_name} on:submit={onSubmit} />
The firstname is required
Your firstname is too short min=3
The password is required
Your password is too short min=6

Getting Started: Quick Start | Svelte Formly